“I teach kids how to be rich by the time they are age 40, 35 if they are extra bright. Most kids think they are extra bright, so they go for 35.” — Jim Rohn.

Rich people live in a world of abundance. Poor people live in a world of limitation.


Poor people think there’s not enough to go around in the world. They come from a fear-based mindset. Their answers are “either/or,” but never “both.” In a poor person’s mindset, they go for security above love, safety before self-expression, and protection over possibility.

Rich people understand that with a little creativity, a willingness to be unconventional and an open mind, they can have both. When you build your life on the “Both!” mentality, you will see opportunities that you were once blind to. What about you? Are you a possibility theorist or a fear-based thinker?


Jim Rohn Visit Jim Rohn’s websites:

Jim Rohn Home

Jack Ma: Attitude is Everything

Alibaba’s Jack Ma, China’s second-richest man in the world


When it comes to solving really hard problems, Ma has a famous quote that I love: “Today is hard. Tomorrow will be worse. But the day after that will be beautiful.

Most of your talent won’t make it past tomorrow.” But as a leader, you must inspire people through those hardest times: To stick with it, to move through it, and to see past it so they can make it to the day where things are beautiful. That’s when you’re really innovating. You have get your team there.

I’m a dropout of Harvard Business School, but I took a very helpful leadership class while I was there that really stuck with me. We discussed looking at problems from every angle, and looking at the person inside the puzzle. See their picture, their concern, their point of view, and understand that people feel passionately the way they do. Your job is to see the 360º and come up with the answers. On the flip side, you have to balance this by pushing people to their boundaries. How do you get there, if most people don’t make it past Jack Ma’s tomorrow? You ache to get talent to do things they’ve never done before. And that’s hard.


Jack Ma


One of the Most Motivational Videos You’ll Ever See | SELF DISCIPLINE

“The distance between dreams and reality is called discipline.”
Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret.
Yesterday you said tommorow.”


This is a motivational video for everyone who needs. My goal is to motivate and inspire people, to make their lives better.
I hope it will be helpful.
Thank you and I really appreciate if you share

Denzel Washington.

Sean Combs (Puff Daddy)

Les Brown

Jim Rohn

Focus On Yourself And Not Others

Many of us, as we were growing up, learned to ignore our inner experience and instead we learned to focus on others.


Our ego wounded self-learned to tune into what others were feeling in the hopes of having control over feeling safe.

Where you put your focus depends upon on what you believe makes you feel happy and safe. If you believe that your happiness and safety come from others liking you, connecting with you, approving of you, loving you, or spending time with you, then your focus is likely to be on others.

If you believe that your happiness and safety come from connecting with yourself and with your higher guidance, and from approving of yourself, defining your own worth, spending time with yourself, taking loving action for yourself, and sharing your love and caring with others, then your focus is likely to be within. In other words, if you believe your happiness and safety come from getting love, your focus will be on others.

If you believe your happiness and safety come from being loving with yourself and others, your focus will be within.




Will Smith |Arnold Schwarzenegger | Jim Carrey
