Figuring out who we are and what we want out of life can be challenging if at any point you, like me, veered off the course of self-exploration and self-acceptance.
But eventually, life smacks us in the face enough times that we’re forced to admit the truth: we’re totally lost.

In that moment, there is surrender to something much bigger than our individual selves, and we start this journey again. Only this time, we’re present; we’re tuned in to what’s up, and we’re ready.
The path to figuring it all out requires a determination to stay committed to the trail, to hang on and keep moving forward, even when it gets tough – which it does. We travel to our darkest depths inside ourselves and see everything we’ve hidden, covered up, locked, and repressed.
It all surfaces and it’s a wild ride. But, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel: our perspectives about our selves and this life shift tremendously and open the doors for some miraculous opportunities, love, and peace.
I’ve learned some of these lessons the hard way, but once I learned them, life became a lot clearer and the road to wherever I’m going piqued by becoming effortless and enjoyable in more moments than not.

There are still times that arise which aren’t so picturesque, I’m just better equipped to ride that rocky wave and can remind myself to settle into what I know.
Tony Robbins, TOM BILYEU, Les Brown, Gary Vaynerchuk